A quarter century of development.

2 Million hotels.

Our 2 Million Hotel Database

„GARD“ – Global Accommodation Reference Database has grown to a globally unique resource and beyond doubt provides world´s best hotel data.

After more than 25 years of development, mapping the tourism industry and using the information of numerous local tourism agencies, branches and organizations plus on top of all that comes our professional manual screening, which is being processed by our 50 native-speakers editors on location, as a critical factor in providing our quality and coverage.

Find out more about the detailed counts of our GARD, which contains meanwhile more than 2 Million Hotels in all 254 countries & territories world-wide.

2.315.000+ hotel database worldwide
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In May 2018 a new European law gets effective, the “General Data Protection Regulation” (GDPR). The GDPR (in Germany: DSGVO) is directly related to the address and data business, which is the reason for the publication of the following statement. First and foremost it is most important to [...]
DELTA CHECK’s new global geo-database comes with 10+ Million POI’s and much more. London/Cairo (dc). „The World. Geo-coded“, that’s how DELTA CHECK, renowned specialist for global hotel data, advertises its new geo database „GEO GLOBAL“. No less than 10+ Million „POIs“ (Points [...]
Berlin/Cairo (dc). Customer Alliance, international provider of cloud-based software solutions for hotels, stacks global customer acquisition on hotel data from DELTA CHECK. After detailed tests and an international evaluation process “Customer Alliance” has decided on hotel data by DELTA CHECK [...]